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  • Jessica Luft

5 Ways To Get That Fresh Spring Glow

After one of the longest and coldest winters I can remember, I can finally say that Spring has finally arrived here in the Northern Hemisphere. If you are anything like me, you likely spent too much time hibernating to avoid the frigid winds, mountains of snow, and slippery ice.  With that all behind us (well, for at least six months), we can look ahead to a fresh start to renew and revitalize our skin by focusing on supporting detoxifying organs which include the liver, kidneys, colon and, yes, even skin.


1. SUPPORT YOUR LIVER:  Your liver is your master detoxifier and this time of year it could use a boost by simply incorporating or increasing the daily amounts of leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.  Green tea is a powerful antioxidants which helps the liver to perform by combatting harmful free radicals.

2. EXFOLIATE:  Out with the old (skin) and in with the new!  Skin renews on average every 28 days and using a good quality product can help to remove to dead skin and support fresh new skin. Be careful when using these on your face as some ingredients can be quite harsh and could be harmful depending on different skin types and conditions. Products containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) are wonderful too as they exfoliate the surface of the skin and help promote collagen production. AHA's come from a variety of natural sources such as glycolic acid from sugar cane, citric acid from citrus fruits and lactic acid from milk.

3. EXERCISE:  Getting off the couch and moving your body everyday isn't just good for your heart and mood, but also your skin! Regular exercise increases blood flow and overall circulation which transports important beauty nutrients to your cells. I enjoy a brisk 30 minute walk everyday! Get outside and enjoy the fresh air and warm Sun by taking bike ride or any outdoor activity you enjoy to get your circulation moving and your skin glowing!

4.  HYDRATE:  Getting plenty of water everyday is the most important thing you can do for healthier glowing skin. Water helps to flush the body of toxins and keeps skin cells well hydrated.  There are two ways to hydrate your skin - internally and externally.  Externally, always use a good quality moisturizer in the morning and before bed. Internally, drink herbal teas and filtered water.  A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces (eg:  If you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water).  

5. EAT FRESH SEASONAL FRUITS & VEGGIES: Take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables that will be popping up at the markets in the Spring. Some of my favourite skin loving Spring foods are spinach, beets, avocados, strawberries, asparagus, cabbage and carrots.  One of my absolute favs which is often overlooked is pomegranates! They are jam-packed with vitamin C to help boost elasticity,  stimulate collagen production, and are an antioxidant skin superhero helping to fight off and protect against free radical damage.   With the days getting longer, seasonal fruits and vegetables are starting to hit the markets so what better time to pay a visit to your local farmers market.  

These are all great ways to welcome the warmer season where you are and to get onto the right path to more healthy glowing skin!


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